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发布日期: 2017-07-11      来源:卓兴教育
本文选自2013年6月30日的The Wall Street《华尔街日报》,主要讲述了美国人文与科学院发表的关于《问题核心》的报告,并指出了其缺陷,该报告基本值得肯定,但却忽略了困境关键之处,即:知名高等院校中的人文教育的狭隘性。全文中在长难句方面,句子长且结构复杂。下面辅导老师就其中的典型例句进行分析:

  典型例句1:The Heart of the Matter," the just-released report by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (AAAS), deserves praise for affirming the importance of the humanities and social sciences to the prosperity and security of liberal democracy in America.

  例句解析:本句结构较为简单,主句为The Heart of the Matter deserves…,其中the just-released report by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (AAAS)为主语The Heart of the Matter的同位语成分,作进一步的解释说明;affirming the importance of …为介宾短语,humanities和 social sciences形成并列,prosperity 和 security形成并列。


  典型例句2:In 2010, leading congressional Democrats and Republicans sent letters to the AAAS asking that it identify actions that could be taken by "federal, state and local governments, universities, foundations, educators, individual benefactors and others" to "maintain national excellence in humanities and social scientific scholarship and education."

  例句分析:本句结构较为复杂,层层嵌套加大了理解难度。句子主干为In 2010, leading congressional Democrats and Republicans sent letters to the AAAS,asking后为主句的伴随状语,是一个宾语从句。该从句中,主语为it,谓语动词为identify,actions是宾语,其后that又引导了定语从句,限定修饰actions;引号内为引用语,to不定式表目的。



  典型例句3:Because representative government presupposes an informed citizenry, the report supports full literacy; stresses the study of history and government, particularly American history and American government; and encourages the use of new digital technologies.

  例句解析:该句结构很清晰,前半句为because引导的原因状语从句,后半句为主句,其中the report为主语,support,stress和encourage为并列谓语动词,particularly American history and American government为插入语成分作进一步补充说明。

  难点点拨:presuppose假定、预料、以…为先决条件;citizenry市民、公民;full literacy中,literacy为读写能力,翻译时可灵活地将其意译为接受教育;短语stress the study of…和encourage the use of…为并列动宾短语,宾语此时都为名词,但在翻译时往往将名词转化为动词,译为“强调学习…”和“鼓励使用…”。


  典型例句4:To encourage innovation and competition, the report calls for increased investment in research, the crafting of coherent curricula that improve students’ ability to solve problems and communicate effectively in the 21st century, increased funding for teachers and the encouragement of scholars to bring their learning to bear on the great challenges of the day.

  例句解析:此句为典型的长难句结构,分析时要清楚划分句子层次。句子主干为To encourage innovation and competition, the report calls for…,to不定式表目的,for后为三个并列名词短语,分别是increased investment in research,the crafting of coherent curricula,increased funding for teachers和the encouragement of scholars。其中,第二个名词短语the crafting of…中,that引导定语从句,solve problems和communicateeffectively为并列短语。

  难点点拨:call for呼吁;在一系列诸如increased investment in research,the crafting of coherent curricula的名词结构中,为了遵循汉语表达习惯,往往采取将名词转化为动词,翻译为增加科研投入、精心设计调理清晰的课程。


  典型例句5:The commission ignores that for several decades America's colleges and universities have produced graduates who don’t know the content and character of liberal education and are thus deprived of its benefits.

  例句解析:该句结构一目了然,是ignore引导的宾语从句的情况。其中该从句中,for several decades 为时间性质的插入语,主语为America's colleges and universities,谓语动词为have produced,graduates为宾语,其后who引导了定语从句限定修饰graduates,该定语从句中有两个并列简单句。

  难点点拨:commission委员会;be deprived of被剥夺、被夺去;



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